The #1 reason for online failure and frustration is the inability to attract an audience for your message. You may have a phenomenal business opportunity but in the absense of a decent mentoring training system and by extension a slick strategy for generation warm leads-then alas it's all destined to end in tears.
The best system I've ever come across online is the following. I rarely require an opt in for my Online Blog but this is really ONLY for those prepared to take action-Sorry!
Check it out I promise it will be worth it-Cheers Kiaran
I'm a big fan of Seth Godin of Purple Cow fame. Most marketers ask you to opt in to their auto responder and in return they'll offer you something of value. I prefer the other approach: Offer something of value first and if you like it then opt in and build a meaningful connection.
Click on this link and when the page opens hit 'Get it" at the top of the page. Simple. Then perhaps you can opt in on the right and receive on going quality content as I find it.
I won’t get any kudos from those obsessed by Keyword and SEO marketing strategies for that Blog title I’m guessing!
Back in the 80’s a pop band called the Smiths had one very memorable verse that went something like this: ‘Why do I give valuable time to people who don’t care if I live or die?’
The reason for that rather cryptic introduction is the recent realization that an incredible amount of missed opportunities in life are as a result in us caring too much about the opinions of complete strangers. Sounds ludicrous?
Let me elaborate. I really dislike most forums where dozens of people get to post polarizing and vitriolic opinions often based on nothing more than uninformed bias. I’m a big fan of many sports, especially EPL. I do not however spend anytime on EPL forum sites. It seems pointless and energy sapping to become engaged in puerile dialogue extolling the relative greatness of my team compared to someone else’s.
Those involved in Internet Marketing may well be confronted with the same thing. Your business opportunity may have helped a million people retire from their 9 – 5 jobs and live the life of a celebrity, yet I guarantee there’ll be a bunch of ‘turkeys’ rabidly denouncing not only the business but also anyone associated with it.
The biggest mistake you can make is investing time and energy feeding the appetite of these dream suppressors. They live to bait you. That doesn’t mean that informed debate is anything but positive-but once the dialogue descends into toxic and acrimonious banter, you can be sure there will be no winners.
This is an unusually downbeat Blog for me, but it is nevertheless something that I feel is important to share.
Businesses do come and go. Some will fullfill your every expectation and most won’t. However it’s the relationships that you nurture along the way that are enduring.
So here’s my long-winded message. Instead of spending months and years trying to find the perfect business and creating debate on every known web forum, write down what you’d like your business venture to give you. Work out your budget. Decide how much time you can invest into it and then hook up with someone that you can relate to, take some first steps and progress is assured
Below is a link to a recent Blog I did on one of my business sites that's been getting a lot of attention. It deals with the impact of Leverage, Compound growth and the power of turning your idea or content into a Viral phenomenon-Hope you enjoy-feel fee to reproduce if you wish Cheers Kiaran
Here's my brand new Video just off the presses! As the title indicates, I discuss the twin saboteurs of success and fulfillment in any area of life and at the risk of pontificating-which I hope you'll forgive i have offered a couple of simple solutions that you can implement immediately.
if anything here resonates then I'd welcome you to subscribe to my You Tube Channel (No Opt in Req'd) and I will be adding weekly snippets on a weekly basis for you to nibble on at your leisure.
I hope this blog finds you in good spirits and if not I hope the next 4 minutes is of value to change that around
If you run any type of business whether on or offline your success will be determined by demand and supply. I'll assume that there is a demand for your service-so the next question is 'How do you find your market?' Walk by traffic as in a major city center is great but does come at a premium which is high rental costs for premises. If you work from home and/or online, then walk by traffic won't cut it! Now you need effective advertising.
Word of mouth is great but it takes time to create a virul buzz. Generating attention via social networking sites and ezine article writing and posting comments on forums etc is effective for generating 'free' traffic-why the brackets? Well its not entirely free is it. How much is your TIME worth? $5 per hour-$50 per hour? More?
To create a waterfall of attention rather than a slow trickle will require a paid marketing strategy.
I'm currently trialing an Ezine advertising strategy that I've been researching. I'll be the guinea pig if you like. Working with a relatively small budget I'm getting one of my businesses on to a whole bunch of Ezines with high subscriber rates. I will experiment with this strategy for the next 4 weeks and let you know the results.
For more details leave a comment below or Twitter or Facebook me.
For the entrepreneurial types you might like to check out one of my recent blogs that's been getting a lot of attention: OBE-Pro Versus YourNetBiz-Review-Surprising Results
Figuring out how to tap into the half-billion search engine market is also the billion dollar question. You may have the greatest new mousetrap or wonder slimming drug ever, but without an audience....well I guess it's all pointless. If you want some major frustration and confusion in your life try figuring out the online advertising puzzle on your own. Been there done that and found it a very expensive exercise.
Pay Per Click? Ezine Article Submission? SEO? Free classified? Virul Marketing? I only recommend what I use and as a first port of call I would suggest this resource. No Hype, a lot of professionalism and potentially great results. I'll let you follow the links yourself
There's a contradiction between what we were taught as kids, that is; to be modest and listen don't speak etc. Well that might work as a parenting strategy but it's the kiss of death in business and even more so if you're building an online business.
Everyday literally thousands of people are starting online ventures. Some will plod along buying E-Books and signing up to countless affiliate programs before eventually sighing and heading back to the relative safety and predictability of the weekly pay. Others will achieve successes beyond their imagination and proceed to live 5 star lives of fun and excitement.
Is there a common denominator between the latter and the former? Invariably both are in the same market place. Presumably both have access to the same information resources ie: Google and yet.....
My firm belief is as follows. It doesn't make any difference what online venture you pursue unless you have a recognizable and accessible Online Brand/Profile.
You might live in a trailer without a pair of shoes to your name, yet have a significant online brand.
Why is this so important, and consequently be the area where you focus your initial efforts?
Whatever business you join and attempt to pitch to me, it is unlikely I'll join you unless.....I feel like I know and trust you, and feel like you have credibility. What I will do, alas to your misfortune, is Google your opportunity, that you've spent time and money getting in front of me, and possibly join someone else. Ouch!!
That's just not fair, is it? The good news however is that you can position your self on the right side of this equation and reap untold benefits. How?
The Internet is still expanding at a colossal speed and everyday more people are jumping on board, with no idea how to market themselves. This leaves a big gap that you can fill. All you need to do is position yourself as an authority on something and become ubiquitous on the search engines in this niche.
What happens if I Google your name? Alternatively what happens if I Google your business opportunity name-does your name come up on the same page?
Don't be intimidated by the term 'authority'. In the offline world you may have to acquire a PHD in some obscure field of research to attain this elevated status, followed incidentally with a subsistence income thereafter! Online however the story is different. All you actually need, is to have ACCESS to information and be found.
Your first steps to Branding You Inc!
Establish your Niche area of interest that you wish to monetize. Garden Gnomes for instance. Do some research, join some forums add some comments and add a link back to your Blog.
I have a Blog on this subject in the archive you might want to look at. this obviously is a blog and it's not too flash is it!? But that's OK, simple is good, AND simple is found by the search engines.
For example I have another very simple Blog called Over 40s Online: If you type those keywords OVER 40s BLOGGING in to Google you will find almost 2 BILLION results! Guess what? My basisc Blog ranks #2 and #3 on page 1.
So what? What it means is that if I type in Garden Gnomes I need to see YOU on page 1. If that's my area of interest I'll click on your Blog and read your stuff. I may Bookmark your site and return periodically. one day I may do a You-tube search (now the #2 behind Google) and again I see your name and a 2 minute video you shot in your backyard discussing, you guessed it, Garden Gnomes.
Oh did I mention Facebook? Twitter? Youbuzz? Ezine Articles? etc Don't be put off. These all have at least one thing in common. They are FREE. Incredibly easy to participate in and contribute to you building your brand.
On the increasingly tiresome Garden Gnome analogy. You'll find those with similar interests will seek you out and befriend you on these social networks. They will share information and resources and before long your voice will start to rise above the din.
Then you can venture into creating simple websites. Again I have a recent Blog on how easy this actually is. Not like a few years ago when you had to be a nerd to accomplish web creation. You can even start selling E-Books, created by others simply by linking to other sites with an affiliate tag.
Businesses come and go, but when you get to the point where a couple of dozen then maybe 100+ join your Tribe or Community, they will follow your lead and recommendations as you proceed down different paths and then the whole game and your position in it changes forever..
Hope I haven't rambled on too much. 90% of the content in my Blog is to assist relative newcomers and those who have struggled Online, to assist them get their ventures up and going. 10% is about recommending my particular programs. I want to keep that ratio. If you'd like to partner up with me now or sometime in the future that's great but if not I welcome you to return for regular content rich resources and worthwhile 'freebies' as I find them.
I thought I'd share this Video with you. It's had over 8 million views and is quite an eye opener. I've included it on my other Blogs as well as I think the content speaks to us all. There's no message other than to realize how fast change is occurring and I suppose the danger of standing still is getting left behind so quickly. Change fascinates me as it creates a myriad of new opportunities and perspective shifts.
Check it out and let me know your thoughts below-Cheers Kiaran
Here's a link to my Primary Business site. Even if you have no interest in the business (I'm biased) for the first time the Turnkey Marketing system has been opened to non-members by invitation only.
In my opinion there are loads of potentially excellent and lucrative online opportunities, but in the absence of a training system, most are doomed to disappoint. Secondly, even if you do succeed by sheer force of will, it is unlikely you will build a team of similar grafters to leverage your efforts.
It's important to have a duplicateable training system that doesn't require you to be a guru in order to succeed.
I like this. Check it out and if it's your cup of tea you can recommend to your networks and earn a neat referral fee from Click Bank -pretty simple. I'll be doing a Blog on Click Bank in the next day or two.
I use Link Referral for some pretty decent results-check it out for free-nothing to lose and potentially some additional traffic to your site-
The second resource that I recommend is Directory of Ezines (click Here for an excellent FREE E-book) which is a relatively inexpensive and extremely targeted form of advertising.
And finally another free source of advertising is with Free Advertising Blog there is an upgrade of course that may well be worth trying out.
There are a lot of sharks and snake oil sales shysters online and I only use traffic generation strategies that have been recommended to me by those I trust and consequently I only recommend these in my Blogs. Reinventing the wheel can be an expensive excercise as can learning from your mistakes.
I will be blogging on this shortly but if you're keen to kick off the new year fast then these are two resources to get your teeth in to.
Google Ad Words can be very useful also-if you know what you're doing but I'd advise caution as your advertising budget can disappear quicker than playing double up on the roulette tables in Vegas.