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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should You Invest in Gold?

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There's a lot of hype and paranoia out in the market place due to the economic uncertainty of Europe, the credit downgrade of the US and the roller coaster that is the share market.

Not everything that glitters is gold however and there are some issues to be wary of before diving in to this commodity in the hope of securing your financial future

The video below addresses some of the risks and touches on the merits of creating your own value added opportunities to produce returns of 100% or more per month!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Branding and Marketing with Clarity

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I may randomly bookmark your Blog/Website due to a momentary distraction, with a view to popping back later when I'm less busy (bored!) This may not be for 6 months however. Will your style, message and voice be the same as that which intrigued me in the first place or will I find some freaky schizophrenic that I don't recognize?

Some thoughts on how to engage and present your unique point of view

Twitter works because it is unambiguous, simple and consistent. Constrained by 140 characters or less, limits the opportunity to be creative. It's a broadcast medium allowing its participants a forum to tune into, and participation in a conversation. Beginners initially misunderstand this and waste countless tweets on inane drivvle that not even their closest loved ones care about - "taking a bath" "making a sandwich"...

However "omg Bin Laden's toast!" may be offensive, enlightening, informative, but at the very least conversation worthy, and so a thread is created.

Online marketers, bloggers, evangelists and a myriad of assorted self branders often blur their message through inconsistency.

Google "Google" Talk about simplicity! Clear and concise. No ambiguity and if I bookmark and return in 6 months I'm guessing the presentation is pretty much going to be the same.

It is getting ever more harder to attract concentrated attention to content that extends beyond a minute or two of focused reading. I recently downloaded FLIPBOARD to my IPad. During downtime (adverts) between my favorite TV shows I'll pop onto this app and randomly scope News, Sports, Current Affairs, Tweets, and Facebook comments and links - all within a 3 minute ad-break!

I may well fleetingly scan your awesome content BUT unless it's utterly engaging I'll consider returning at another time.

Here's the point. Once you've found your voice, be consistent. Are you a rock star or gospel singer? A drummer or violinist? Be wary of being every thing to every one.

If I tune into your tweet, blog, hub, webpage - I'm more likely to bookmark and return if you're consistent and I'm certainly more likely to actually remember you!

Your Communication Style

Font type and size - do I need a magnifying glass? Does it look like 19th century legal document? Dry and bereft of emotion

Headline - is it a tabloid seductive hyped up statement? Is it interesting, intriguing, facetious or banal? 

Humour - most people are funny - though often inadvertently! Humour is hard to fake. If your normal mode of communication is sterile then you may need to address this. A little color, a cartoon, amusing picture perhaps. remember the key is to engage

Pictures - If for no other reason than to just punctuate your content!

Links - don't forget to offer links throughout, to your other material. If I like one of your Blogs I may just click through to see what other 'awesome' stuff you write about! Be wary of just sporadically linking to your biz opp. 

Style of communication - all of the above contributes to your 'unique' style. And yes if you communicate with a consistent voice and style - you will be unique - memorable and just maybe worth a Retweet, revisit, joint venture or a genuine friendship contender!

Below are some random blogs of mine over a couple of years. The content and style obviously evolves but the delivery is pretty much a signature. Like it or hate it, the personality that shows up should be the same. (Plus the content relates to this topic)

Your thoughts are welcome, and don't forget to connect via the social networking icons on the side

Cheers kiaran - How URL Shorteners Work

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Presumably you have an online presence that involves driving traffic/clicks to an assortment of websites.

Business owners are becoming increasingly aware of the merits of having links to Twitter and Facebook Groups as well as one click access to PDF's

We now live in a world of ADHD information consumers, who have neither the patience or inclination to read vast tracts of content rich prose when there are dozens of immediately accesible distractions a mere click away.

If by some miracle a qualified prospect accidentally stumbles on to your site - they want and insisit on instant gratification.

Twitter for instance affords limited 140 characters for you to impart your broadcast. Many text links are almost that long! URL shortneners condense these ugly and messy links into a neat package.

A few years back TINYURL ruled but has been superceded. I like BIT.LY. You can analyze and track your clicks as well as personalize your links.

Here's an example: I recently offered a free download to my ebook/pdf 'Rip up the rule book' via my blog and twitter sites.

This is the original link:

No kidding - just looking at that makes you want to navigate away asap!

This is the new link:

Sure I could have shortened it further by having just a few random letters and numbers - but I like that it's easy to remember and has a better look and feel

PS: While I have your attention - I welcome all legitimate connections - I'm one click away via the Icons on the right!

Cheers Kiaran